A sixth sense?
Dear husband is convinced I have a sixth sense. He's sure of this because I can ruin a surprise like no other and I've been doing it for years. I just feel or know something and I ruin all his fun.
I'll give you a few examples. Once Adam and I took a trip up to Bangor to see some friends. On the drive I was getting hungry and mentioned that it would be wonderful to eat Quiznos. At the time, there were no Quiznos sub shops in Maine. I really missed our Friday Quiznos outing from our college days in Illinois and was just expressing my craving for the food. We get to Bangor and pull into this shopping centre and I scream, "Quiznos! Oh my gosh, did you see there's a Quiznos?"
Adam had only been planning this surprise for over a week and my one mention of it ruined it for him.
I've ruined surprises for massages, dates at a specific restaurant just by mentioning things just prior to the surprise. He's even convinced I knew about my baby shower, but I honestly had no clue. I also have this sense when I think someone may be pregnant. I'll say to Adam, "wouldn't it be nice if so and so would/could have a baby?" They call and tell us they are pregnant within a few days.
My sixth sense came in handy this week. I need to give you some background information first for this story to be clear. When we put all of our belongings into storage the storage company gave us this horrible payment booklet with a little sticker on the front that stated our due date was X day of each month. I hate these booklets. I really stink using the pages in them. I do well for the first few months and then I just forget them.
Well, I missed a payment one month and got the late notice in the mail a month later. Adam and I discussed the issue and decided it would work best if they just charged our credit card each month and then I'd pay that bill. In addition, we'd be earning dollars at a local store we love.
Other than that one charge each month, we generally do not use our credit card and if we do it's rare.
So when I get a bill last month that has a charge on it for {horrible store that will not be named} I called the credit card company to dispute it. When I talked to the first lady I asked if the car could be frozen or the number changed to avoid future charges since someone obviously had our number. We did all the steps and I was satisfied.
So my sixth sense worked yesterday. I just had this feeling I should check out our card online. There was another large charge from {horrible store that will not be named} on our supposedly non-existent card.
I called the credit card company. The first lady I spoke to told me there was no way to stop future charges like this (uh, yeah, I'm not buying that) and after we argued for a while, I hung up unsatisfied. I called Adam and expressed my frustration to him and got some advice for the next phone call.
I called the company again and this time asked for someone in the fraud department. We sorted out the issue. The card is no longer usable and since we've had bad customer service with the credit card company, we've closed the account (we know it's not the best credit move, but we're just super frustrated with them).
I'd also like to mention that {store that will not be named} has a phone number, which when you dial it, it rings, and rings, and rings. No one ever answers. Also, when I Googled {store that will not be named} I discovered other people had similar charges from them.
I'm glad my sixth sense came in handy before more charges were made.
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