Monday, September 24, 2007

Ear infection and Strep

My ear hurt so bad on Sunday that we went to the urgent care place in Wells. Not only do I have an ear infection, I also have strep. I swear if I get in a 50 foot radius of someone with strep, I get it! My ear hurt so bad that I didn't notice the pain in my throat. My ear still hurts today, but at least I only have one prescription for both ailments.

We moved yesterday too. It's nice to finally be done, but I hated every minute of the move. Ryan is outside with his grandmother laughing right now, so he's happy, and that's good.

Now just to find where we packed everything =-)

1 comment:

Val said...


Ugh. Being so sick on top of a stressful move that I know you were hoping to avoid. I'm sorry it's all stacking up on you. I hope a hug from my side of the country will make you feel a tiny bit better.