Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Planes, automobiles and the midwest

Ryan took his first plane ride this past weekend. He and I met my mom in Cleveland, Ohio and drove an hour from there to see my grandparents. Ryan was such a good boy on the plane! The first trip, he flirted with another baby across the asile from us and talked with the older lady sitting next to us. On the way back he slept the entire ride!

It was nice to see family again. I hadn't seen my grandparents or my uncles, aunts and cousins since 1999! We had a lovely time catching up and Ryan stole the show. I neglected to take my camera with us, mostly becasue it's large and awkard to pack. Photos, however, are on the way, thanks to my mom.

It was nice to see corn fields again too. I do miss the midwest. We had four and a half wonderful years there and I always say I'd like to go back. Although I enjoyed the trip, I am glad to be back with my honey. Ryan and I both missed him, even though it was only for three days.

1 comment:

tmcroat said...

You are welcome to come to Columbus any time. We do have some corn fields in the city.