Monday, December 10, 2007

The day before the big test

I feel like it's the day before a really big exam... one you just cannot fail. Tomorrow morning is my thrid ultra sound of this pregnancy. The results will determine whether I need surgery while pregnant or if life will continue as normal. There are days when I feel very positive about this experience. I feel like the reduction of the cyst by 20 percent in two weeks (between weeks 7 and 9) mean the cyst will be gone and no surgery will be needed. Then there are the days when I have a complete meltdown because I really can't imagine surgery while pregnant. Well, I cannot imagine surgery period.

Today I am nervous. I cannot prepare as if this were an exam. It's more like a pop quiz. I'll show up and the results will be what they will be. I'm still nervous. It's going to take a long time for 9:30 tomorrow morning to get here.

For now I wait and hope to pass this test.


gillian... said...

I'll be thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed that your tests will come out just as you hope. If you need anything, let me know.

Val said...

Praying, Praying, Praying right now....