Thursday, January 03, 2008


I've finally finished Ryan's scrapbook. It's the one that documents his first year of life. It was supposed to be done in time for his first birthday, but I was very much behind. I'm just glad it's done before LM 2 will arrive. Now to work on scrapbooking 2007! Like I said, I am really behind. Adam has promised to help, so we'll see if that actually comes about.

Ryan and I have doctor's appointments next week. Me for my four month check up and Ryan for a follow up on his lack of weight gain over the past half year. Since we started the PediaSure he's gained five pounds according to our scale. There is hope!

As for me, I am plain tired. I so don't remember being this tired at this stage of pregnancy with Ryan. I still go to bed with him and nap with him just as if this were my first trimester. However, the morning sickness is mainly once a week sickness, which I can totally handle. But headaches have started to appear, oh, about every three days. It really stinks. I bumped into my doctor after my bloodwork on Tuesday and she kindly told me some women suffer from migranes during pregnancy. I think I'd rather the morning sickness. She and I plan to discuss this more next week.

I've already had some serious headaches early on in this pregnancy, but the drug I was taking isn't approved for long term use in pregnancy. So it's back to Tylenol. I also had horrible headaches with Ryan, but it was just days before delivery and Tylenol with codine was wonderful.

As with my last pregnancy, I am huge for four months. I haven't gained any more weight since the day my doctor told me I'd gained 14 pounds in the first trimester. I think those pounds were due to the need to eat in order to not throw up. As long as I was full the puking stopped. Now that I'm not sick I don't need to eat ALL THE TIME.

Ryan is starting to get the idea that mommy will have a baby. He points to my stomach when we ask where is baby? If you ask if he wants a sister, most times he shakes his head "no."

Oh and we think we've narrowed down the boy names. Yay! We still have our girl name from last time.

Now just to wait for June!

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