I've been feeling homesick lately... for two places. I know it's weird, but it's true.
The first bit of homesick feeling started on Saturday when I talked with mum. As she talked about dinner I had that urge to be at the dining room table eating fish, peas 'n rice and cole slaw and enjoying my family's company. I'd also like a game of dominos... not the mexican train one, but real dominos and a game of spades to be played after the dinner. I'm homesick for the sunshine and the beach and for so many friends, who, over the years, have become like family.
I usually get these feelings around Christmastime. Who doesn't want to be with their family and their traditions around the holidays? I miss different things at Christmas in the Bahamas, though. I miss going to bed at night and hearing faint sounds of Junkanoo music playing in some nearby shack where the costumes are being prepared. I miss the smell of cookies baking the way only mum can make. I miss many a church event, too.
In addition to missing home, I've had a longing for Illinois. Mainly, I long for dear friends still there and some who aren't just because of the closeness we had while at GC. We just don't have the same sort of friends here that we had there and ones I had made here who I thought were just right also moved away. I miss dinners with these friends and guys playing card games. I miss us playing Pit and Dutch Blitz. If you've never played either, you should. Both games are really fun.
I also miss my old job in Illinois. I loved working at the LU. People there were like family. It wasn't like the weird place I worked here where people were out for their own success. It was truly a family that wanted the entire paper to succeed. Mind you, I'm not sure I'd want to go back to work now that I've been at home with Ry for almost two. Working at WM doesn't really count since I only work there two days a week.
I also miss things like the St. Louis Zoo, the Science Museum, Ted Drews, the arch and its museum, Cards baseball and the many concerts we saw at the Kiel Center. Life felt full there and that's what I truly miss.
Of course, it' s the firendships I miss most. We have friends here, but it's not quite the same. I miss those real deep conversations about faith and the other ones about politics that didn't matter what you thought because we all thought differently and that was okay. You weren't weird for whatever it was you were thinking. We were just accepted.
Some day we'll have that togetherness again. I sure feel far away from others as they have babies and search for new jobs and new avenues in life. I wish we never had to leave, but I do enjoy Maine. I've grown to like it here also. Sometimes I just miss the midwest.
Miss GC people too. We need to retire in the same community some day.
Me too. This Thanksgiving, more than being homesick for my family-family, I was homesick for all of our GCers. You guys are all family to me.... And I miss the depth of relationship that we all had together.
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