Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ice Storm

We were lucky only to lose power for a few hours in the early morning of this weekend's ice storm. We've been warm and comfortable. I think it stinks that so many people have not been these things. Some people are still without electricity.

While the ice caused lots of damage, I think it was pretty. It was like one of those scenes from a postcard or something. Really wintery.

I missed work. They had no electricity. I was acutally a bit sad. It was going to be my first full eight hour shift since I had Timothy. I was really looking forward to it. To earning that extra money. Adam's Wal-Mart opened at 10 after turning customers away earlier in the morning.

We enjoyed the day together as a family. We watched some movies, played a few games... Adam did ABO certification stuff and I got to do some Bahamian Word Finds (Thanks Dad!).

We were crazy enough to actually venture out on Friday night. Ryan was out of milk and we thought we'd pick that up and do our grocery shopping. How silly of us. Everyone and their mother was out at Wal-Mart and the gas stations. Restaurants were PACKED. It was worse than the height of Tourists Season here in Maine (that's summer for all of you people who are "from away" like me).

It should have been no surprise to us what WM was like. Thinking back on it, we were really lucky to be able to purchase the milk we wanted. There's something about winter storms and Mainers buying milk. Next to water, snow shovels and ice scrapers it is one of the hot items during a storm. It's kind of weird. Maybe there are lots of people out there with kids like Ryan who are addicted to milk. I suppose it can be kept cold outdoors.

Anyway, here are a few of my photos. I don't think they do the beautiful scenery justice.

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