Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I got one of those Christmas forwards where you’re supposed to fill in the blanks. Eggnog or Hot Chocolate? You know what I mean. I filled it out, but was really stuck on question 14. I wrote and wrote and wrote and question 14 was two pages. So, I deleted the other stuff and decided I would share question 14 with you.

14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you?

Especially this year, the most important thing is that the real meaning of Christmas not be lost in all the “hustle and bustle” of the holidays.

In my devotional this week I’ve been reading about how John the Baptist was so important in the story of Jesus. He was the one who pointed the way to the Messiah… he paved the way. We’re supposed to be the same. Our lives should say, “Look not at me, but at the other one, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.( John 1:29)” Adam and I are the ones who will point the way for Ryan to see Christ. So, the meaning cannot be lost or muffled. We are now the voice crying in the wilderness. We are the ones who, by our example, show that Christ is the real meaning of Christmas. And though Ryan’s so little I hope he gets some meaning out of the story of Christmas this year, even if it’s that Mary had a baby and he was special to the whole world.

While last Christmas I identified with Mary being heavy with child on her way to Bethlehem, this year the entire story has a whole new meaning for me. I see it in a different light. I think I finally understanding the waiting in hope for a savior. The entire story, from the time that God made the covenant with Abraham to the birth of the Messiah finally clicks. These people were yearning for HIM. Just look at Simeon. In Luke 2 it says he was a righteous and devout man who was waiting for the consolation of Israel… waiting for the Messiah. The Holy Spirit had revealed to him that he would not die till he saw His Savior. So, he’s waiting in the temple and Mary and Joseph bring Jesus and he says, “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.” This guy’s whole life was devoted to waiting and looking for the savior. He waited and waited and then, the savior came. How happy he must have been!

This Advent, I truly understand the meaning of this waiting. Just think of all the hymns. Think of the words to “Come thou long expected Jesus” and “O Come, O come Emmanuel.” I bet these writers had a moment like I am having this year. The light just came on for them.

A hymn I truly love is a Catholic one, at least I think it must be because I have never sung it at my non-denominational church. It’s called Waiting in Silence and I feel like this hymn says it for me when it comes to understanding Advent. I’ll share the first verse with you…

“Waiting in silence, waiting in hope; we are your people we long for you, Lord. God ever with us, Emmanuel. Come, Lord Jesus, Maranatha!”

The rest of the hymn talks about thirsting, longing and seeking for the Messiah.

That’s how it was for the Israelites. They felt they truly needed a savior and they were looking for him anywhere. They were desperate.

This should be our lives!

Let’s face it though. The Messiah came, he saved us and we go about our lives. We’re too busy to spend time with him. We’re too busy to spend time with the one who loved us so much that he would die for us. How absurd!

That was my excuse and because I am not perfect, it could be my excuse again. Then I decided this Advent that I would make time. I mean, I make time to watch a movie with Adam. I make time with read books to Ryan. I make time to play games online. I make time to cook and eat. That’s all for my physical life. And my poor spiritual life was dying. It was starving. I think my hunger brought me here though. I wanted to fully understand what I would be teaching Ryan. So, at church I picked up a Christmas devotional that was free and I can’t put it down. I had to make myself not read the entire thing the first night. But through reading that and reading the scriptures that go with it – I feel I fully understanding now.

So, Come thou long expected Jesus, o come, o come, Emmanuel!

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