Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ryan goes to the ER

He's fine now, but it was scary at first. The kid was fine yesterday, but when I put him down for a nap I noticed he was a little warm. He woke up screaming, had a fever of 101.8 and wouldn't eat.

The the throwing up started. It wasn't pretty, but he'd only had one sippy cup of milk and a mini blueberry muffin all day.

Then he was vomiting clear stomach liquid and choking. I called Adam. Then I called the doctor.

And so began our seven hour stay in the ER where Ry's temp spiked to 103.2, they poked him three times before getting blood and starting an IV (he wasn't happy) and discovered that maybe he just has a GI infection.

There's nothing worse than having your kid in the ER and not being able to be in the room to comfort them when they need you. I don't do needles. When I get IVs or blood drawn I have a system that works for me, but if I had to hold him down like Adam did last night I'd been sobbing and most likely pass out.

They put a little cast like thing on his arm to keep him from getting the IV out. He tried to get it out before crying himself to sleep.

We got home at 1:30 this morning.

Good news is he's had all the blood work done and all came back with good results, well except for the thyroid one which we don't have back yet.

We saw the doctor today and she's happy that he's better. He's laughed a little today. Adam stayed home with us for most of the day, but is at work now.

I just wish little kids never had to get sick.

1 comment:

Val said...


(((((Kris and Adam))))

Lady--you need a spa day or something. Wish I could come and give you a real hug and take you out to pamper you.