I wish I had a photo to show you how Tim fell asleep last night. Since he was born, we've been putting him to bed awake, but sleepy. He's never given us much trouble unless he was still hungry or had a diaper that needed changing...until recently, that is.
Now that he can crawl and pull up to standing in the crib, he crawls to the edge, stands up and screams. We have to go in occasionally and lay him back down, tuck him in and leave the room. After two or three times, he'll settle down and go to sleep.
Last night was the same as it's been for the past two weeks. I put him in bed knowing he was tired and then went to read Ryan the new books we took out of the library. Tim was okay for a bit, but could hear us reading so he started crying. I finished one book and went to put Tim down again (Adam was upstairs talking with his parents). We were interrupted while reading the other two books quite frequently, but Tim refused a bottle and did not need a new diaper.
Then Adam came down and dealt with Tim while Ryan and I finished books nine and 10 (since they were new we had to test them all out...after the first night he has his favorites and we just read those over and over again for the week). Tim settled down and so did Ryan.
When I walked Ryan to his bed, I didn't see Tim. Of course, it was dark, except for the dim night light, so I walked closer to see where Tim was hiding in the crib. I couldn't find him and started to panic a little. He really couldn't get far right? I looked a little closer at the blankets and discovered that Tim was asleep sitting up... head on lap, thumb in mouth. He looked just like the rest of the crumpled up blanket that he sleeps with.
I called Adam over so he could see, and then gently pushed him back on his side and tucked him in again.
Like I said, I wish I had a photo to show you....it was cute.
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