Monday, February 04, 2008

Getting rid of binky

We're in the process of trying to get rid of Ryan's pacifier habit. We tried at about 15 months and I failed. I say I failed because I give in when he cries and give him the pacifier. At 12 months I figured getting rid of a bottle and a binky would be too much for him to handle at once. I put off the binky thing. Then at 15 months he did about two days of napping without it and then I couldn't take the crying anymore and gave in to him having binky.

At 21 months Ryan is now asking for binky when we don't give it to him at nap time. He still has it at bedtime. I joke that Adam should have taken a week off of work to help with this, but I know it's silly and that really the timing for him to get off work is just not right at this point.

So Ryan is currently one room away crying in his crib because it's now past nap time and binky is hidden away until 8 p.m.

Sometimes I wish we had never given him a pacifier, but his need for sucking was really great. If we hadn't given him one he'd have been drinking lots of formula or sucking his thumb. Plus it gave Adam comfort to know that they think pacifier users have a reduced risk of SIDS.

So now I wonder how to soothe Ryan who is not only crying for binky but for his beloved Paws who he threw up on this morning and is currently in the washing machine.

Oh the joys of motherhood =-)

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