Messed up measuring tape
I'm convinced my doctor's measuring tape, the one used to measure my fundal height, is messed up. Four weeks ago, I measured three weeks ahead. Three weeks ago, I measured right on target. This week I'm measuring big again. This lead me to ask if there was something wrong with her measuring tape. I wasn't trying to be rude, I just want to know what is going on. She wouldn't say how big I measured this visit. What really puzzles me is that the week I really measured big was the week that I also put on five extra pounds. This time I've managed to keep it down to almost two pounds.
I go for another ultra sound next week. We'll get to see just how big baby is at that visit. Adam and his mother are convinced that I won't make it through May without delivering ( vaginally or via c-section) this baby. I think I'd be okay with that, mainly because I am so uncomfortable and I look so huge. There's a lot of pressure in the areas the baby is hanging out in these days. I'm not sure he or she should be allowed to get any bigger. Punches and kicks really hurt. When baby decides to do other movements I cringe.
I think I'm just going to keep on thinking that the measuring tape is messed up, even though everyone else is convinced I'll give birth to a toddler. My line of thinking gives me some peace.
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