Thursday, April 03, 2008

Bedrest and a possible c-section

I could be having baby number two in about eight weeks. According to dear old doc, if baby continues to grow like he or she has been I'll be having a scheduled c-section near the end of May. The thought is that baby will be too large to pass through the birth canal safely and could just grow way too big by 40 weeks. The magic number here is 37. This isn't a sure thing, but she's simply preparing me for what may happen in a few weeks.

It doesn't help that in just about every four weeks I seem to put on five pounds. I swear I am not stuffing my face with chocolate or any other sinful calorie abundant food, but somehow I've still managed to pack on the pounds. This is a red flag, says nurse, and I'm likely to have another ultra sound in the weeks to come to determine if baby is larger than 9.5 lbs or has too large of a cranium to make the journey south.

I also get to be on a form of bedrest. I will not be working at my part-time job until after baby arrives. On Friday, I started having contractions while at work. At first I was convinced I was imagining things and kept working... for two more hours. The contractions weren't that intense and were about 20 minutes apart. I finally decided to call the doctor who sent me over to labor and delivery for monitoring. I had one contraction the entire time I was there so I was sent home with orders to rest and drink lots of fluids (apparently dehydration in late pregnancy can cause early labor). I had three contractions on Saturday while out grocery shopping, but the magic number to rush back to labor and delivery is six contractions in one hour. Still the doctor thinks we should be careful and do what we can to prevent more contractions and stop working.

At yesterday's appointment, aside from the grand weigh-in, urine sample, measuring of the fundal height (still measuring well ahead of schedule) and listening to baby's heartbeat, I also had bloodwork done. The endocrinoligist called this morning to tell me some great news. I can decrease my thyroid meds to just one pill a day. This could have also been the reason for the early contractions. I've been monitored closely during both of my pregnancies because thyroid disease makes me a high-risk case.

As for the two pieces of news from yesterday's visit, I'm okay with having a c-section if it's necessary to prevent a possibly large baby getting stuck in my vajay-jay (yes, I used Oprah's word) and having to break baby's collarbone to get him or her out. I'm really okay with having a c-section. I'm disappointed in two ways... I'd have to have the c-section in Portland rather than in Biddeford because that hospital is more equipped for such things. I really like the hospital where I delivered Ry. It was so restful there and so much like a hotel with room service. I'm sure I'll get over it though. Plus my mum and dad had planned to be here for actual birth... they missed out last time and I'm sure want to be in on all that hoopla this time. With things up in the air about a c-section I've encouraged them to keep the same plans they already have just incase no c-section happens and baby arrives right on schedule.

As for being on a form of bedrest where I stay home with my little boy and get to actually see Adam for more than a few hours each week is okay. I'm a little disappointed though becuase I enjoy going to work. It's my outlet. I get to be with adults. I enjoy my co-workers and their company. Of course, I'd rather not deliver baby at a register in WM so I can deal with this too.

So I'm okay with all of this. I think it's becasue I know there are so many people praying for me and this pregnancy. I know God is in control, even in the nutty-ness of this pregnancy. I've just come to expect that this pregnancy isn't going to be just like my last.


tmcroat said...

Our prayers and thoughts are definitly with you.

Val said...

Well blah, Kris. I no none of those things are ideal.

We're praying for you guys. Hang in there and if you need to vent, I'm here.