Sunday, January 04, 2009


I hate it when the gnomes come to our house and take things we need. Like today I was going to vacuum the floors and there's a part of the vacuum missing. I asked Ryan if he knew where it was, but he had no clue. I searched through toys and under things.... things that are all cluttered up because we have no space. It doesn't help that I am already grry. I ended up borrowing the vacuum from upstairs. I don't even know if you can replace the part that's missing. I wish the gnomes would just leave me alone and that our little space in the basement would just magically clean itself!

1 comment:


I want faires too, like the ones in "Sleeping Beauty". One flick of the wand and food gets cooked...another flick and the house gets cleaned...and one more flick for clean diapers :).