Thursday, November 13, 2008

I forgot my camera

I tend to take my camera everywhere. I don't want to miss out on special photos of Ryan and Timothy. BUT we're in Manchester and my camera is in Wells. Sigh.

We're here in Manch because the new World of Warcraft (WoW) release came out this morning. The guys were in line last night at 10:30 and were number 11 on the list. They got back here around 12:30 and went to bed around 2. They've done some playing. They've helped with the kids. My friend, Kris, is at work and I've been allowed some alone time to just be.

But I left my camera in Wells. I missed getting photos of Vince chasing Ryan till he was soooo sleepy it wasn't funny. I missed getting photos of Timothy in his "future alliance" (it's a WoW thing) t-shirt... the very same shirt Ryan wore.

I'm sure there will be other photos I miss... I will have to get Vince to do some photo taking. We're here for three days and the camera is not.

C'est la vie!

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