Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Why I love me!

So I was thinking about something to blog about today. I really didn't want to post about the election. I voted and whatever happens, happens. I am sick of political commercials and am just ready for tomorrow.

So, I came across this website. I was reading the assignment for this week and thought it was really cool. I think too many times I focus on what I need to fix about myself and not about what is already great about me. So I am going to make my own love list. Here goes....

I love my super long eyelashes. I love being Bahamian and American. I love that I got to grow up in a different culture and have appreciation for other cultures too because I was immersed in them my entire life. I love being good at fishing. I love it when Uncle Carroll says I'm up to my old tricks again as I reel in yet another fish. I love that I can cook and that 99% of the people I cook for enjoy what I've made. I love that I can crochet it makes me feel connected to my dad's mom. I love that I can take great photos of my kids and enter them in contests in hopes of winning. I love that I am crafty. I love my life and am thrilled to be a stay-at-home mum to my two boys. I'm right where I need and want to be.

And that's my list. I encourage you to try it. I felt good thinking up these things about myself, but it wasn't easy, just like it wasn't easy for the chick at Operation Nice.

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